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5HASS - Sustainable Travel: Home

This guide contains resources related to the study of sustainable travel.


Pexels, 2019

Key Terms

Ecological footprint: Each person or community has an impact on the environment, expressed in the amount of land required to sustain the use of natural resources. 

Carbon footprint: The amount of carbon dioxide released int o the atmosphere by different human activities, including the use of transport.

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Sustainable travel means finding a way that tourism can be maintained long-term without harming natural and cultural environments. Sustainable travel should minimise the negative impacts of tourism and ideally be beneficial to the area in which it takes place.

Sustainable travel is about valuing the environment and looking after our natural resources. Travellers need to be more aware of pollution levels caused by travel and how that affects the environment and local wildlife. They also need to be aware of how tourism affects local people, businesses and native cultures.

Useful Sites - Ecological Footprint

We all have an impact on the environment around us based on our lifestyle and on the choices that we make about the way we live.

Video: Global Footprint Network’s National Footprint Accounts provide a comprehensive way to understand the competing demands on our planet’s ecosystems.

Useful Websites: Environmental Impact of Transport