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5HASS - Environmental Changes: Home

This guide contains resources related to the environment and its changes.


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Bushfires in Australia


Extreme Storms

Earth in 30 Seconds

Planet Earth

Seymour Simon's Extreme Earth Records

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Severe Weather Outlook, October 2021–April 2022 - Severe weather can occur at any time of the year, but October to April is the peak period for bushfires, heatwaves, flooding, tropical cyclones, and severe thunderstorms in Australia.  

Drought is a defining feature of Australia. But not all droughts are the same. They can vary in the size of the area affected, the intensity, and how long they last. So what do we mean by drought? Improve your understanding with our Understanding Drought video.


Explains the definition of a heatwave and how to interpret heatwave forecast maps.

In the last 200 years, severe and extreme heatwaves have cost more lives than any other natural hazard in Australia. Learn how the Bureau classifies heatwaves and the risks posed by each intensity level in this short video.


Flooding is among Australia's most deadly natural disasters—but it's also important for agriculture and the life cycle of many plants and animals. So, what are floods and what causes them? Improve your knowledge of floods with this Understanding flood video.

A storm surge is a rise above the normal seawater level along a shore caused by a storm.

Improve your understanding of tropical cyclone categories and their impacts. This video explains what the different tropical cyclones categories are, the hazards involved and the potential damage a tropical cyclone can cause.

Thunderstorms are associated with very tall clouds called cumulonimbus that produce turbulence, lightning and thunder. So what causes them, and what's really going on up there?

Severe thunderstorms are built differently from other storms, meaning they can last many hours and travel long distances— potentially causing considerable damage.



Earth’s climate has undergone great changes throughout the planet’s roughly 4.5-billion-year history. Because climate describes conditions in the atmosphere, it follows that changes in the atmosphere lead to changes in climate. Atmospheric changes in turn are influenced by Earth’s natural features. These include the oceans, ice masses, landforms, and vegetation.

"Climate change". Britannica School, 2019

READ ON   Britannica Middle School

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS   What is climate change?

CLIMATE KIDS   What is global climate change?


Deforestation is the clearing, or cutting down, of forests. The word is normally used to describe the actions of humans in removing forests from the planet, rather than destruction caused by such natural events as hurricanes.

People have been cutting down trees for thousands of years. In recent times, however, the number of forests being lost through deforestation has grown enormously. This is seen as a great problem that affects the environment in many important ways.

"Deforestation". Britannica School, 2019

READ ON   Britannica Middle School

KIDDLE   Deforestation facts

ACTIVE WILD   Information & facts


Overpopulation or population explosion is a condition in which some population can, under certain circumstances, grow so large or dense that it exceeds the biological carrying capacity of its containing natural ecological system and thus will naturally reduce in numbers through famine, and lack of essential resources.

"Overpopulation". Encyclopedia Kids, 2019

READ ON   Encyclopedia Kids

EASY SCIENCE FOR KIDS   Population growth


Pollution happens when the environment is contaminated, or dirtied, by waste, chemicals, and other harmful substances. There are three main forms of pollution: air, water, and land

"Pollution". Britannica School, 2019

READ ON   Britannica Middle School

KIDDLE   Pollution facts

CLIMATE KIDS   What causes air pollution?


The land and waters of Australia are of great importance to the culture, beliefs, identity, and way of life for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This connection to the environment comes from their belief that the land and people were created by ancestor (spirit) beings who continue to protect and care for the land. The land refers to everything within the landscape, including water, air, trees, rocks, plants, animals, and landforms. These are all intertwined and essential to their well-being, so Indigenous peoples consider the land to be a part of them. Therefore, they have a responsibility to look after their environment and to use natural resources wisely.

"Indigenous Australians and the Environment". Britannica School, 2019

READ ON   Britannica Middle School

The animals and farming practices that Europeans brought to Australia, as well as industry and mining, have had a significant impact on the environment.

READ ON   National Archives of Australia

"Impact of European settlement the environment". NAA, 2023